Zwalczaj nieprzyjemne zapachy zwierząt tego lata

Zwalczaj nieprzyjemne zapachy zwierząt tego lata

Zwalczaj nieprzyjemne zapachy zwierząttego lata z PowAir Lato to sezon pełen radości, aktywności na świeżym powietrzu i ciepła. Jednak dla właścicieli zwierząt domowych może również przynieść szereg wyzwań, szczególnie jeśli chodzi o eliminację zapachów zwierząt...
Eliminate Odours from Cats Marking their Territory

Eliminate Odours from Cats Marking their Territory

Eliminate Odours from Cats Marking their Territory Whether you are a cat lover or not, there is no doubt that the smell of cats marking their territory is almost unbearable. Even more so when you just don’t know how to stop the litter trays smelling. Why not eliminate...
Top 10 Cleaning Tips with PowAir

Top 10 Cleaning Tips with PowAir

Top 10 Cleaning Tips with PowAir Did you know that our PowAir products have more than one use, with customers across the globe using them for a variety of home deep cleaning activities. Deep clean your mattresses with natural mattress odour removers. Home deep...
Keeping Your Pets Cool This Summer

Keeping Your Pets Cool This Summer

Keeping Your Pets Cool This Summer Now more than ever it is extremely important to be keeping your pets cool, ensuring that they are both healthy and safe during the heatwave. Unlike humans, pets hold a lot of fur which is not ideal on hot, summer days like we are...